
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

If You Think You Can, You Can!

They say that your will power is a muscle and the more you use it the stronger it gets.  I could not agree more!  I have been doing this for over a month now and it has gotten so much easier!  It is now easier to turn down breads, pasta and desserts!  I no longer crave any of it!  I'm the kind of person that would sit there and smell it because I couldn't have it!  It was always a struggle to talk myself out of it.  And there were plenty of times that I failed.  Lately that sort of stuff doesn't even look good to me!  I am so excited about that!! 

I know this isn't the end of the road and I know there will be more temptations.  I know I can do it and can make my will power stronger!  Every time I turn down a dessert, make fresh juice, work out and say 'I can have it but I don't want it' I flex my will power and just like any muscle it gets a bit stronger!  Right now I feel like my will power can throw a wicked punch!  Just like today when I resisted pineapple upside down cake at work!  I want to know how are you flexing your will power!  Leave a comment and let me know.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Squats, Squats and More Squats

Today is the end of my 30 day squat challenge!  I have done 100 squats every day for the last month and it has been awesome!  I have never minded squats so this challenge was quite enjoyable (at least it wasn't lunges...Not a fan of those).

Squat with Kickback

I started out doing 10 sets of 10 throughout the day.  At first you have to think about it and try to stay on top of it so you don't have to do 60 of them as you are climbing into bed.  Soon it becomes a habit.  I decreased the number of sets I did over the month and made sure to mix it up keep from getting bored!
Pilate Squat

I would do squats with weights, squats with alternating knee lifts, pilate squats, squats with straight leg lifts, squats with kick backs, narrow stance (knees together) squats, wide stance squats, squats with small standing ab crunches, one legged squats (I always did these when brushing my teeth and hooked my free foot on the edge of the bath tub)....and the list goes on!

One Legged Squat

I never got bored with this and am planning on continuing this challenge indefinitely!  Why? Because I feel the results and it is something I have enjoyed!!  I can now feel the muscle in my legs and feel that they have gotten tighter.  I have a ways to go to get the legs I want but I know this is a step in the right direction! 

Squat with Standing Ab Crunch

I have lost an inch and a half off of my hips! this may be due to the changes in diet but I am sure that the squats have helped!  I plan to add another challenge as this one now comes easy to me.  So I will be doing 100 squats a day and .... well I'm not quite sure yet but I think it might involve planks!  I'll let you know when I have it figured out.  And I challenge you to try the 100 squats a day for 30 days!  It is fun and you can feel the difference!  Even if its not squats find something you like and give it a try!  The key is to just get moving!

Happy Trekking!

Pictures From Google Search

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Cleaning...Your Attitude?!?

It's spring time!  In Montana, we typically don't notice the first day of spring (it usually looks a lot like winter).  However, this year it was GORGEOUS!  I spent the whole day outside cleaning the yard and readying my pots for new plants.  The sun was out and the birds were singing and it was the perfect spring day.  With spring upon us and starting a new job next week I am in full spring cleaning mode.  What is on my spring cleaning list?

  • Closets
  • Yard/Flower Beds
  • Diet
  • Cupboards
  • Garage
  • Attitude
Some of these things are finished such as the yard work and diet but what I want to focus on is spring cleaning attitudes.  Seems kind of silly but it is something I feel strongly about!  Isn't it time we leave the negativity behind and clean out the clutter of thoughts telling us we are not good enough and find a positive out look on life?  When nearing the end of their life many people say one of the things they regret not letting themselves be happy.  Happiness is a choice we make each and every day!  We are in control to how we respond to situations and circumstances.   

"So often we get caught up in the illusion that there is something just beyond our reach that would bring us happiness: a better family situation, a better financial situation, or the end of a challenging trial.

The older we get, the more we look back and realize that external circumstances don’t really matter or determine our happiness.

WE do matter. WE determine our happiness.
You and I are ultimately in charge of our own happiness."


How true this statement is!  How many times have I said I will be happier when school is done, or it will be better when I get a different job? (Too many I'm ashamed to say)  Why not be happy RIGHT NOW?  Why not say, 'God will give me strength today to do whatever I need to do and to do it with JOY''? (taken from Change Your Words, Change Your Life by Joyce Meyer)  I challenge you to spring clean your attitude along with your house.  Check and see what negative thoughts are hiding in the dark corners and throw them out along with those old sweaters you don't wear.  Replace the negativity with self acceptance, love for others, faith that God loves you and wants the best for you and the knowledge that you can be happy if you let yourself!

Happy Trekking!

Monday, March 18, 2013

Stressed Relieved!

One month ago today I started my trek to wellness.  I left behind sugar and processed food and am so very glad I did!  I know that it is making a difference!  For the past month I have been walking the dog with the occasional intervals of running.  I usually try to run every other block or run two walk one for our 2 mile jaunts.  As all runners can tell you some days are good and some days are bad, but at least you're making progress!  

Tonight I just needed to let loose and get rid of some stress... so I decided I would take the dog out for a walk.  Great idea!  I'm glad I dressed light enough to do some running, and by that I thankful I only had on a long sleeve shirt, a pull over fleece and a North Face jacket along with winter gloves and insulated pants. That's right it's still winter in Montana.  Anyway, I decided to run every other block and it rocked!!  I have not been running lately because of the icy weather and was so surprised at how amazing it felt and how well I did!  I felt like I could run all night!

(Images from Google Search)

I know that my diet has made a difference!  This lifestyle is something I can get used to!  I know that not every day from here on out that I strap on my old running shoes that it will be as amazing as it was tonight but it still makes me excited and renews my motivation!  Other than renewed motivation it relieved my stress and that in itself is enough to make it worth it!  What is your favorite stress relief?  

Happy Trekking!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Motivate Me!

How does one stay motivated?  I think it is a little different for everyone!  I swear my Mom is super human; it does not seem like she needs motivation.  She just makes up her mind and BAM it's a permanent habit!  Me, I have to work at it each and every day all day long!  It is a full time job just to keep myself focused.  I have to use multiple approaches to stick with the changes I have made.  I am a list person so here is my list of motivation techniques.

  • Visual Reminders
    • If everywhere you look you find motivation wouldn't you be more likely to stick to it?  I know I would!  I pull out the paper and markers and make reminders for myself.  I use pictures of times when I was happy and looked good to remind me this is possible.  I have sayings posted in places I will see them and it will make me stop and think; the fridge door for example.
  • It's a Lifestyle NOT a Diet
    • When eating healthy it is important for me to not feel deprived.  As soon as something is 'off limits' it is all I think about.  We always want what we can't have!  So instead of 'removing' something, add in the good and eventually it can replace the bad.  I also use 'I can have it but I don't want it.'  Every time I see something sugary/processed I tell this to myself and it works wonders!!  Remember:  I can have it but I don't want it!

  • Constantly Learning
    • Continued learning helps me out a lot.  The more I read about it, the more documentaries I see, the more life changing stories I hear the more I am motivated.  The more that I learn and understand the more informed/better choices I make.  'Hungry for Change' is an excellent movie that inspired me to get healthy; I highly recommend it!
  • List of Benefits
    • Having a tangible list of the benefits to pull out and look at when coworkers bring in donuts (a weakness of mine) helps remind me that it's just not worth it to give in and by resisting I am gaining so much more!
  • Celebrating the Wins
    • I am all about celebrating!  Growing up we had get-togethers' and parties for all sorts of things.  It snowed, let's have a party.  School is out, let's have a party.  Now, every time I pass up dessert, the candy isle or order smart at a restaurant I have a mini party in my head.  Taking a minute to celebrate the wins, big or small, reminds me how awesome I am doing and keeps me pushing toward progress.
  •  Challenges
    • I do really well with small challenges.  Currently I am doing 100 squats/day for 30 days, and it has been totally amazing!  I see the results and I wont miss a day because I don't want to get to the end and say that I didn't do it every day.  I mix up the type of squats I do and vary the number of reps per set to keep it from getting boring.  I challenge you to try it and let me know how it goes!

One of my favorite motivational quotes is by Ellen Mikesell;  'There are only two choices, make progress or make excuses.'  Whenever I try to talk myself into only going 2 miles instead of 3 I ask myself, "Am I making excuses or progress?"  It really works!!  Whatever motivation works for you keep it positive and don't put so much pressure on yourself that if you slip you don't get back up and keep going.  I've done that so many times and it's just not worth it!  Think of the other wins and stick to it!!  Make progress and please share how you stay motivated, I would love to hear it!
Happy Trekking!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

sad, SAD, S.A.D.

Have you gotten any sunshine today?  The question I have heard countless times from my Mom.  Why no Mom, I have not.  It's too stinking cold outside, not to mention its dark by 4 P.M.!!  That's Montana winters for you!  How is a person supposed to get vitamin D while wearing enough clothes that you look like that little kid from 'The Christmas Story'?

Sorry no way in H. E. double hockey sticks am I going outside with enough skin showing in January for some vitamin D.  However, those of us that suffer from SAD or seasonal affective disorder need exactly that.  SAD is a type of depression that occurs at the same time every year.  For most people symptoms begin in fall and last for the winter months, it is less common for depression in summer months but it does exist.
A Friend and I getting ready for some winter fun

For me 2010 and 2011 were probably the worst and February is always the hardest month.  By mid winter my storage of feel good brain chemicals is completely drained and I totally tank.  When my depression gets bad I cry for no reason at all, get nasty mood swings and I have absolutely no motivation for school, family or a social life.  I could sleep forever and never feel rested.  My energy levels take a deep dive and do not resurface until the days lengthen or I get some help.  

My appetite gets out of control!! Much like a bear after hibernation.  I binge on fast food and feel guilty about it so I make sure to hide the wrappers, pay with cash, and only get it if the husband isn't home or I can eat it in the car by myself.  This comfort food picks me up and for a blissfully short period I leave the sad behind.  Once it is worn off I'm craving more and even more miserable than before.  The vicious cycle continues.  A similar thing happens when I eat sugar.  This diet of processed and sugary foods is the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).  With food that causes these kind of reaction it is no wonder everyone is on some sort of medication!

When my depression was at its worse my Mom stepped in and sent me to a naturopathic doctor in February 2010.  I saw him for several months and he helped me with several things.  The next fall I did not take preventive measures and began seeing another naturopathic doctor in 2011.  She really pushed me to become healthier and has helped me stay on top of my SAD and makes sure I get plenty of vitamin D.  Every fall and winter she monitors my levels closely.  
Pictures from Google search

To manage symptoms before they get out of control I now use a 'happy light' in the fall and winter, take vitamin D supplements, eat healthier, exercise and get outside.  It is important to stay on top of it and not let the symptoms get out of control!  I have now left behind the S.A.D, I keep on top of the SAD and therefore I have a whole lot less sad and a whole lot more happy in my life!  Do you suffer from the S.A.D. or SAD?  How do you cope and what changes have you made?  

Happy Trekking!