
About Me

Where's Daneesha?  Most likely with my hand in the cracker box or head stuck in the fridge.  It seems I am constantly snacking.  I was once told I was like a squirrel...always carrying around a snack!  Well that's about to change!  I have traded in my cracker box for fresh juices and I now find salads in the fridge instead of carb and sugar loaded treats.  I've started a journey to become healthy but only with the support of the most important things to me: family and my Heavenly Father.
I love HIKING!
First my FAMILY:

My incredible husband, my one and only, his unwavering support for this lifestyle change is invaluable!  He doesn't complain about juices or smoothies for dinner and tolerates my disapproving stares at his can of soda.  We have been happily married since August 2010 and everyday it gets a little bit better and I cannot imagine life without him.

 My Mom and Dad are truly amazing!! The kind of parents and people I hope to be some day.  Without my Mom I would not even be on this trek.  She is far healthier than I have ever been and has been high raw for over a year now.  Without her encouragement, recipes, support and example this blog wouldn't even exist (I'd still be stuck in the fridge trying to find a snack).  My dad has been drug on the journey to being healthy and has done very well!  I am grateful he puts up with my teasing over his gigantic mug of hot chocolate!

Next in my perfect family is my beautiful sister and her adorable daughter.  Our month-of-no-sugar pledge is what kicked this off.  Four weeks ago I thought, 'HEY! Why just get rid of sugar... how about processed foods and wheat too!'  Go big or go home, right?  I am grateful for these two that are always good for a laugh and a pick-me-up.  I could not ask for a more amazing sister and niece!

I am also the proud owner of a fluffy and surprisingly well behaved puppy...well, she may not be that well behaved.  Those big brown eyes allow her to get away with anything!  How can something be so cute!?!

Now that you've been introduced to the family, the other important thing is my relationship with my Heavenly Father.  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  "We believe in God, the Eternal Father and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost (First Article of Faith)."  An important part of our religion is the Word of Wisdom, which outlines some healthy practices (eating fruits and vegetables and using meat sparingly)  and some things to avoid (alcohol, tobacco and coffee).  Following the Word of Wisdom allows us to live a life free from addictive substances.  I have chosen to follow the portion which outlives the healthy choices.  I know with the help and support of family and my Heavenly Father I can be successful on my journey.  (If you have questions about being Mormon please comment and ask or check out!)

For me the 'trek to wellness' is not about what the bathroom scale says, its about how I feel!  Weight wise I have been stuck at the same position on the scale for a few years now.  I am happy with my body...sure I would love to be toned and I am working on that but its not about losing weight and looking like a super model.  To me this is about knowing that I am taking care of myself so I can be at my best for myself and for my family.  It's about taking care of the body that God entrusted me with.

Happy Trekking!

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