
Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Getting ready for church seems to turn into chaos most weeks.  The fight to sleep in vs the need to get up and get ready (in reality this battle is fought every day for me).  This past Sunday we were at my parents and for some reason sleeping in does not happen at their house.  Lilly can't wait to get upstairs and so bright and early is up and running around.  So naturally I was up in time to get ready... so why did my Sunday morning turn into chaos before we got out the door?  Because my skirt was too big and looked ridiculous!!  That's right I am starting to loose enough inches that clothes are fitting looser.  Disclaimer: I was wearing Spanx and the skirt was a bit big in the beginning.  I had bought it a bit big in the waist so that it didn't as my mom says 'show to much information.'  I got it at New Years and have worn it quite a bit since (with Spanx).  When I put it on Sunday it wouldn't stay up and looked so silly because it was gaping everywhere.  So 5 minutes before we had to leave my mom and I dove into her closet to try find something else for me to wear.  It was a bit wild and clothes were flying everywhere but we found something that fit and looked good.  It was a moment of panic but it was for such a good reason!  How exciting to have loose clothes!

It took  2 months (and 3 days) to see this result.  I have been feeling amazing and have noticed the changes in my body but I didn't think it was that drastic!  So what do I contribute this to... EVERYTHING!  Eating healthy, having a salad everyday, doing strength training, juicing/smoothies, dry fasting for 12-14 hours a day, dry brushing, adequate sleep... and the list goes on and on!!  I will be talking about these more and in more detail later.  I need to work on posting more often, I just have to figure out how to do this and work full time.

Happy Trekking!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Sugar...Not so Sweet!

I'm so excited and I just can't hide it!!  My mom asked if we (family & friends) wanted to join her going sugar free for 6 months... First thing my sister and I ask is 'Is this just refined sugar free or no-fruit-no-honey-etc. sugar free?'  Only my mom could be so intense that we would have to distinguish that!  Anyway, when she clarified it was just refined sugars I said 'OF COURSE!'  I'm not eating this stuff anyway might as well join!  However, this isn't the best part.... wait for it... my husband joined!!!  Yep, that's right... can you believe it!?!  I hardly could!

I know going sugar free is not easy.  Each person's journey is different and it depends on how much sugar and how often you usually eat it that determines your journey.  My first time was rough and I mean rough!  This time it took a week to a week and a half and I no longer had cravings and didn't even want to eat it if offered.  I know that going off wheat/flour also helps, as it is processed in the body just like sugar is.  I can tell when I eat wheat while sugar free I crave sugar more!  So if you struggle try taking out wheat and see if it makes a difference!

Would eat this many sugar cubes?  NO! Then why do we sit there and eat/drink this stuff?!?

So if you need a reason to go sugar free here is a small list of good reasons and there are many more out there!  Trust me you will feel much better if you try it!  Start out small and when you notice the difference it will encourage you to go longer and be more diligent about it!  So here is to 6 full months with no sugar! 

  1. Sugar can suppress the immune system.
  2. Sugar upsets the minerals in the body.
  3. Sugar can cause hyperactivity, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, and crankiness in children.
  4. Sugar produces a significant rise in triglycerides, a leading cause of heart disease.
  5. Sugar contributes to the reduction in defense against bacterial infection.
  6. Sugar can cause kidney damage.
  7. Sugar reduces high density lipoproteins.
  8. Sugar leads to chromium deficiency.
  9. Sugar leads to cancer of the breast, ovaries, intestines, prostate and rectum.
  10. Sugar consumption is the top cause of type II diabetes, as it increases levels of glucose and insulin.
  11. Sugar causes copper deficiency.
  12. Sugar interferes with absorption of calcium and magnesium.
  13. Sugar raises the level of neurotransmitters called serotonin
  14. Sugar weakens eyesight.
  15. Sugar can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar levels).
  16. Sugar can produce an acidic stomach.
  17. Sugar can raise adrenalin levels in children.
  18. Sugar malabsorption is frequent in patients with functional bowel disease.
  19. Sugar consumption can cause aging.
  20. Sugar consumption can lead to alcoholism.
  21. Sugar consumption is the top cause of tooth decay.
  22. Sugar use contributes to obesity.
  23. High intake of sugar increases the risk of Crohn's Disease, and ulcerative colitis.
  24. Sugar can cause changes associated with gastric or duodenal ulcers.
  25. Sugar can cause arthritis.
  26. Sugar can cause asthma.
  27. Sugar can cause candida albicans (yeast infections).
  28. Sugar can cause gallstones to form.
  29. Sugar can cause heart disease.
  30. Sugar can cause appendicitis.
  31. Sugar can cause multiple sclerosis.
  32. Sugar can cause hemorrhoids.
  33. Sugar can cause varicose veins.
  34. Sugar can elevate glucose and insulin responses in oral contraceptive users.
  35. Sugar can lead to periodontal disease.
  36. Sugar can contribute to osteoporosis.
  37. Sugar contributes to saliva acidity.
  38. Sugar can cause a decrease in insulin sensitivity.
  39. Sugar leads to decreased glucose tolerance.
  40. Sugar can decrease growth hormone.
  41. Sugar can increase cholesterol.
  42. Sugar can increase the systolic blood pressure.
  43. Sugar can cause drowsiness and decreased activity in children.
  44. Sugar can cause migraine headaches.
  45. Sugar can interfere with the absorption of protein.
  46. Sugar causes food allergies.
  47. Sugar can contribute to diabetes.
  48. Sugar can cause toxemia during pregnancy.
  49. Sugar can contribute to eczema in children.
  50. Sugar can cause cardiovascular disease.
  51. Sugar can impair the structure of DNA.
  52. Sugar can change the structure of protein.
  53. Sugar can make our skin age by changing the structure of collagen.
  54. Sugar can cause cataracts.
  55. Sugar can cause emphysema.
  56. Sugar can cause atherosclerosis.
  57. Sugar can promote an elevation of low density proteins (LDL).
  58. Sugar can increase free radicals in the blood stream.
  59. Sugar can cause overeating

Good luck to anyone and everyone going sugar free!!  It's a fabulous way to start your trek to wellness!

Happy Trekking!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Making Progress!

Happy Easter!

What a splendid holiday and what a fun weekend! We typically spend Easter with my family and the last few years my cousin brings her husband and daughter.  It makes for a fabulous time!  We stay up way to late, make great food, take long walks, sit in the sunshine and have tons of fun!  My family is pretty healthy so it isn't too hard to find things that fit my lifestyle.  For that I am forever grateful!  I was very happy with how well I did this weekend!  
This was the weekend that my sugar ban is lifted.  I broke it with one peanut butter m&m.  Just one! I am so happy that I stopped at just one!!  I was a little nervous that it would be hard with all the Easter candy but it wasn't.  So I came home completely exhausted and completely happy!  I ate very healthy through the holidays... just proves that it can be done!

I just want to take a minute and say that I am very grateful for what this holiday represents.  I am blessed with the knowledge that Jesus Christ was crucified and then rose to concur death.  I know that my Redeemer lives and that he paid the ultimate price for me to be able to repent and be forgiven. I thank my Father in Heaven for the blessing of the atonement and for what it means to me. 

Happy Easter and Happy Trekking!