Have you gotten any sunshine today? The question I have heard countless times from my Mom. Why no Mom, I have not. It's too stinking cold outside, not to mention its dark by 4 P.M.!! That's Montana winters for you! How is a person supposed to get vitamin D while wearing enough clothes that you look like that little kid from 'The Christmas Story'?
Sorry no way in H. E. double hockey sticks am I going outside with enough skin showing in January for some vitamin D. However, those of us that suffer from SAD or
seasonal affective disorder need exactly that. SAD is a type of depression that occurs at the same time every year. For most people symptoms begin in fall and last for the winter months, it is less common for depression in summer months but it does exist.
A Friend and I getting ready for some winter fun
For me 2010 and 2011 were probably the worst and February is always the hardest month. By mid winter my storage of feel good brain chemicals is completely drained and I totally tank. When my depression gets bad I cry for no reason at all, get nasty mood swings and I have absolutely no motivation for school, family or a social life. I could sleep forever and never feel rested. My energy levels take a deep dive and do not resurface until the days lengthen or I get some help.
My appetite gets out of control!! Much like a bear after hibernation. I binge on fast food and feel guilty about it so I make sure to hide the wrappers, pay with cash, and only get it if the husband isn't home or I can eat it in the car by myself. This comfort food picks me up and for a blissfully short period I leave the sad behind. Once it is worn off I'm craving more and even more miserable than before. The vicious cycle continues. A similar thing happens when I eat sugar. This diet of processed and sugary foods is the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.). With food that causes these kind of reaction it is no wonder everyone is on some sort of medication!
When my depression was at its worse my Mom stepped in and sent me to a naturopathic doctor in February 2010. I saw him for several months and he helped me with several things. The next fall I did not take preventive measures and began seeing another naturopathic doctor in 2011. She really pushed me to become healthier and has helped me stay on top of my SAD and makes sure I get plenty of vitamin D. Every fall and winter she monitors my levels closely.
Pictures from Google search
To manage symptoms before they get out of control I now use a 'happy light' in the fall and winter, take vitamin D supplements, eat healthier, exercise and get outside. It is important to stay on top of it and not let the symptoms get out of control! I have now left behind the S.A.D, I keep on top of the SAD and therefore I have a whole lot less sad and a whole lot more happy in my life! Do you suffer from the S.A.D. or SAD? How do you cope and what changes have you made?
Happy Trekking!